Media Monday: What’s Love Got To Do With It Part 2

I LOVE the song in this scene!!! In this scene Ike becomes upset with the way Tina is recording the song and smacks her around and rapes her. I do want to point out though that Tina Turner and Ike both said that this never happened; it was a movie and many things were fictionalized for dramatic effect. But, she did say that after Ike would physically abuse her that they would have sex and it felt like rape.

Media Monday: What’s Love Got To Do With It Part 1

Today’s media comes to you from What’s Love Got To Do With It. This is one of my all time favorite movies mainly because of the singing! Once again this is a movie that I watched as a child (it came out when I was 3, but I’m not sure when I 1st watched it) and as I got older I began to look at it differently and notice things I hadn’t before. Now unlike The Color Purple, watching this movie as a child I knew that what Ike was doing to Tina was completely wrong. This clip shows Ike forcing Tina Turner to eat cake while they were in a diner. She tells him that she doesn’t want the cake and after he forces it on her she throws ice in his face. Tina’s friend, Jackie, tries to reason with Ike not to hit Tina and he ends up hitting her instead. This scene is FAMOUS among the people I know! For as long as I can remember, anytime someone brings up Tina Turner or Ike you can be sure that you are gonna hear “Eat the cake Anna Mae” *__*